Live tonight at 7pm: talking trains, with James O’Malley
Yes, I do know how to have a good time!
Hello everyone. Please forgive my barging into your inbox on a Friday morning - I promise I’m not going to be making a habit of it.
This is just a very quick note (you can almost see the end of it already, look) to say that I’ll be doing a live video stream chat sort of thing about trains tonight at 7pm London time, with the lovely James O’Malley of Odds & Ends of History.
Officially, it’s to talk about this week’s official launch of the new London Overground line names. Unofficially, it’s just because we like chatting and everything is content. James is a lovely man, we’ve done a bunch of stuff together over the years, and if you like this newsletter you’ll probably like his too. Sign up!
To tune in, all you’ll need is the Substack app (which is on iPhone and Android). The link to watch is here – and I believe the app will send out a push notification at the time we go live. (I’ve stolen this par wholesale from James, he’s handling the tech, I have no idea what’s going on, sorry.)
Hope to see some of you later.
PS Thanks to the surprisingly high number of you who came to get a signed book at the Foyles Christmas evening yesterday. The terror of such events is always that you’ll find yourself sitting alone and unnoticed behind a pile of your life’s work, so it was genuinely lovely to come down to find an actual queue, mostly composed of you lot. Feel quite emotional about that, if I’m honest. Thank you.
PPS This Christmas, why not give the gift of content?
Even to yourself!
Rock and roll for a Friday night (rock and rolling stock maybe? I'll get my coat) - but the Substack app is broken and awful, at least on Android - If I subscribe to a newsletter from the home feed there's no possibility to continue (presumably there's meant to be a "continue" button but it's off the screen and the screen won't scroll - leaving the only option to close the app and restart it every time you follow a new newsletter). I realise you are not tech support, but this doesn't happen on other platforms like, for arguments' sake, Patreon. The grass is, of course, always greener on the other side of the railway line.
Elledge and O’ Malley! This is the kind of content I’m here for (although on replay bit live. I was eating pizza with my kids and arguing about what to watch on tv).
PS feels like I’ve just missed an opportunity to Rick roll my friends IRL