So, I don't want to seem like the online media cliché that I so obviously am here, but welcome to my Substack.

Paying subscribers get a weekly newsletter, every Wednesday at around 4pm, generally composed of the following things:

  • A brief commentary on the week’s top existential terrors (a.k.a. the news);

  • A links round-up: infrastructure news, animal videos, memes and anything else that provides comfort to the mildly nerdy and extremely online;

  • An long-ish article about something extremely nerdy, most likely in the realms of transport, history, geography or language;

  • A short-ish article concerning the map of the week: you can probably guess what this covers.

Free subscribers get to read some of the weekly newsletter, before the paywall comes slamming down just as they’re getting into it. They also get a weekly email, generally on a Saturday, containing a single article: sometimes that’ll be something new (in which case, paying subscribers will receive it, too; only fair); more often than not it’s something from the paywalled archive, now released to the wider world.

Becoming a paying subscriber isn’t expensive – it’s £4 a month, or £40 a year, so substantially less than £1 a week; bargain! But, if for whatever reason you can’t afford that (unemployed, under-employed, penniless student and so forth) just email me and ask for a free subscription, and you can have one, no questions asked.

I hope the newsletter brings you joy – or, at the very least, that it doesn’t make your life any worse.

The Newsletter of (Not Quite) everything is written by Jonn Elledge and edited by Jasper Jackson.

Subscribe to The Newsletter of (Not Quite) Everything

assorted nerdery from a man who should probably be doing something else


Author/journalist/columnist type. Sound on the matter of HS2.
Investigative journo. Tech editor of The Bureau of Investigative Journalism. Former editor at the Guardian and New Statesman. Currently edit the Newsletter of Not Quite Everything and Techtris on Substack.