I’ve never understand why whickham

Is in Newcastle upon Tyne when it’s definitely in Gateshead

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I’ve wondered for a long time why Bristol sticks out into the sea, and despite copious googling never found a satisfactory answer so I very much enjoyed this post! Always been intriguing by boundaries and borders, so I’ve preordered the book too.

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Despite your editor I am fascinated by Local Government borders, in fact changes to them form an important part of our family history. My late father was a “victim” of the 1974 reorganisation when our county boundary changed as well as our local council losing its “rural” status, thus depriving him of the opportunity to escape his office and drive around the countryside for “site visits” without anyone being able to track him down (in the days before GPS).

I myself narrowly escaped the joys of the establishment of a new unitary authority in 1997, when the accession to the throne by Mr Tony Blair brought the reorganisation that had been trundling towards our area since early the previous year to an abrupt end. In fact in the early days of the Labour government I seem to recall, there was much talk of reorganisation into larger regions, completely reversing the Tory penchant for small unitaries. I’m a pensioner who can’t afford a new book - I’ll wait until they get it in the library!

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Have you got that Busingen am H-something-Rhein in your Swiss bit? A pre-order may hang on it.

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