Jun 29Liked by Jonn Elledge

The Conservative Party haven’t had time to spend their money this time around, I’m told. Anyway a good spam filter will fix all the problems (well, maybe one). I liked the NS piece. The book is fantastic. Thanks Jonn.

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Hey, thanks! So glad you enjoyed it. All five star amazon reviews gratefully received...

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I think for me the biggest annoyance is the increasing detachment from reality. It’s become increasingly clear that the Tories don’t have some secret box of cash hidden under the bed ready to spring out at the last minute. In fact it looks like they’re quite broke. But you wouldn’t know it if you only read these emails!

It’s like both parties are fighting the imaginary other that exists only in their heads and not the actual opponent on they’re facing on the ground.

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Im on the Labour list as I am interested In politics. What has rather taken me aback (perhaps I’m being naive here) is that none asks me to do anything other than give money. It doesn’t ask what I think about their policy offer , whether I have any ideas for better policies - just a demand to hand over the money like some gangster. So much for participatory democracy eh?

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I had a feckin election leaflet from Labour with a piccy (i Think) of that right wing Tory who was allowed straight into the labour party giving reasons to vote labour that were all about stopping immigration and why she is now in Labour!! As if I would ever vote for starmer!! Lying cheating pile od shyte that he is in my opinion. How embarrassed should they be ???

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Actually I've succumbed to about one in 20. But I want to see Labour win. So...

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I've been a Labour member since Gordon Brown lost but I haven't got any of those fundraising emails, weirdly. Maybe I have a setting turned off somewhere. I did get a phone call asking for money, which I gave them. Was planning on giving them money anyway but I figured this way the kid on the phone bank either got a commission or if not then they got a good feeling anyway, not sure how it works. Anyway that's my life story that nobody asked for.

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It’s also a lesson that parties have learned from internet scammers- the emails cost almost nothing and they don’t even need one percent of them to actually result in a donation.

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